What’s the Difference Between a Boiler and Water Heater?

Boilers and water heaters are sometimes referred to interchangeably, but there are notable differences between these two home comfort systems. While steam or hot water boilers can be used to heat water, they’re more commonly used to heat indoor air.

On the other hand, tank-style and tankless water heaters are exclusively designed to heat water for use throughout a home. Follow along as we discuss the differences between a boiler and water heater, including proper maintenance for each system.


The primary function of a boiler is to serve as a hot water heating system. It rapidly heats up incoming cold water using electricity, natural gas, propane, or heating oil as fuel, then circulates it through a series of pipes and radiators in order to heat up a home. A boiler can be more energy-efficient and quieter than a furnace, depending on the fuel source being used.

Some boiler systems may heat water up enough that it turns to steam, which is then pumped through radiators to warm up indoor air. However, steam boilers are more commonly used in commercial or industrial settings.

Unlike a tank-style water heater, a boiler does not store water. However, when installed as a boiler water heater, it can quickly heat up water that passes through a series of copper tubes and delivers it to faucets, showers, tubs, and so on.

Water Heaters

Unlike a boiler, a water heater is designed to only heat incoming cold water to a set temperature. Cold water flows into the water heater tank, where it’s heated up by an element located at the tank’s base. Once the water in the tank reaches a set temperature, the water heater stops heating the water. This water is then stored in the tank until it is called for by a fixture or appliance.

There are also tankless water heaters, which heat cold water as it flows through the unit, allowing the hot water to be used on-demand.


The installation cost of a boiler is generally higher than that of a water heater, though it can vary based on home size and system type. Similarly, the cost of water heater installation varies based on type and fuel source.


In order to keep either system functioning properly and efficiently, regular maintenance is key. Both boilers and water heaters require annual maintenance to identify obvious problems like leaks and electrical problems, and to help extend the life of the system.

Typical boiler maintenance includes:

  • A visual inspection of the exterior
  • Lubricating the circulating pump to reduce wear and tear
  • Flushing the boiler to remove built-up sediment
  • Checking the safety valve
  • Making repairs as needed

Typical water heater maintenance includes:

  • Visual inspection of the exterior
  • Checking the pressure relief valve
  • Draining and flushing the water heater tank to remove sediment
  • Operating the valves to prevent them from seizing
  • Making repairs as needed

Which System Is Right for Your Home?

Before deciding between a boiler or a water heater, it’s important to consider the needs of the home. While a boiler is more expensive and difficult to install, it can be a great, long-lasting indoor air and water-heating option. A water heater is a more affordable choice but it cannot function as a heating source.

For help selecting the boiler or heater that makes the most sense for your needs and budget, contact Messmer Mechanical today to schedule a free in-home comfort analysis and new system proposal.


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