The Importance of Anti-Scald Valves for Bathroom Safety

At best, an unexpected stream of hot water from the bathroom safety shower can be an unpleasant surprise. At worst, it can result in a potentially life-threatening burn, or a fall as you try to quickly jump out of the way of too-hot water. Consider this: If your water heater is set to the recommended 120 degrees Fahrenheit, skin requires five minutes of exposure for a burn to occur. Turn that up to 130 degrees and you can sustain a serious burn in mere seconds.

If you have water that tends to overheat or drop to cold too quickly, installing an anti-scald valve in your shower can prevent that extreme temperature change from happening, keeping you and your loved ones safe.

What Is an Anti-Scald Valve?

Also known as a mixing or tempering valve, an anti-scald valve adds cold water to the hot water before it leaves the faucet, even if only the hot water setting on the handle is used. This function keeps the water from getting hot enough to cause injury.

These devices are installed somewhere between the water heater and the outlets on the hot water line, with a connection to the cold-water line. They react to changes in the supply of cold water, such as those that can occur when someone turns on a cold tap while another person is showering.

The devices can be installed on specific faucets, tub spouts, or showerheads, or closer to the water heater to regulate the temperature of every plumbing appliance in the house at the same time.

Benefits of Anti-Scald Valves

Anti-scald valves are an important part of any hot water system. Since they keep the water temperature comfortable, they help reduce the time spent adjusting for the right water temperature. Other benefits include:

  • Safety and comfort. An anti-scald valve prevents burn injuries in the shower or bathtub while the constant water temperature provides comfort and peace of mind.
  • Long-term savings. Anti-scald valves that control both water pressure and temperature fluctuation will end up saving you money because you won’t spend as much time trying to get the temperature just right. You’ll also save money and keep the valve working longer by routinely removing calcium deposits from the aerator with a vinegar solution.
  • Higher volume of hot water. You’ll enjoy a great supply of hot water since the amount is regulated by the valve which, in turn, helps conserve water.  By reducing the amount of hot water used, the devices help ensure that the supply remains consistent.

At Messmer Mechanical, we offer numerous ways to help protect your loved ones while providing added convenience. Other bathroom safety solutions include motion sensor faucets, grab bars, comfort height toilets, walk-in bathtubs, bench seats, and more. For a free in-home comfort and safety analysis, contact Messmer Mechanical today.

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