HVAC Add-ons, and Why You Need Them

If temperatures are controlled in your home by a single thermostat, you’re probably paying too much to heat and cool it.

Let’s say, for example, that you’re a family of three with a two-story home, not counting a finished basement.

Let’s further assume you have a central AC system for the first and second floors, and a ductless air system for the basement.

HVAC Add-ons, and Why You Need Them

Leaving the basement out of it for purposes of this example, and assuming you have just one thermostat for the main level and upstairs, are both floors and all rooms equally occupied at all times? Probably not. And yet you’re providing each room with equal amounts of warm or cool air which can add up to some pretty hefty utility bills.

The good news, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Whole-House Zone Control | Programmable Thermostat

What’s the right number of zones and thermostats for your home? It depends on several factors, but you can count on Mesmer Mechanical for great advice and flawless execution.

You see, it’s not just about the number of zones and corresponding thermostats.  Programmable thermostats, for example, are a far better choice than traditional models – especially those with Wi-Fi access. That way, you can change the settings from afar should your plans or weather conditions change.

Expecting your son or daughter home from college earlier than expected for the holiday season break and no one’s home to greet them? Turn up the thermostat to welcome them back into a nice and cozy household. Did an 80-degree day suddenly surge to 95 degrees with soaring humidity – and you made the mistake of shutting off the thermostat in one or more rooms? That’s another situation that’s easy to correct.

Certain programmable thermostats even “learn” your family’s schedule and temperature control habits so they can anticipate and adjust on their own.

Here’s our advice. Allow Messmer Mechanical to understand your at-home lifestyle and favorite rooms to gather in. From there, we can develop a zoning plan that provides equal amounts of comfort and energy savings. At the same time, we’ll be happy to show you the many advantages of Wi-Fi, programmable thermostats.  Contact us today to schedule a free in-home comfort analysis and proposal.

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