How to Maintain Clean Indoor Air

In a rush to conserve energy in the ’70s, builders, architects, and designers built tighter homes with better windows and doors, thicker insulation, and took extra steps to seal out any potential drafts.

While the energy savings were impressive, so was the build-up of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) inside these and other airtight homes built since then.  And it remains the way in homes all across America as dust, dirt, pet dander, bacteria, and other airborne pollutants have reduced means to escape outdoors.

If you or other family members feel physically worse the more time you spend indoors, here are just a few ways you can help your own cause.

  1. Keep your home as clean as possible.  Staying ahead of dust and dust mites can dramatically improve air quality.  Dusting window treatments, around window and door trim and out-of-reach areas helps even more. But not just any vacuum cleaner will do.  Those that use a HEPA type filter prevent the dust from spewing back into your living space.  Also, consider switching to a bag-less vacuum to avoid the plume of dust that happens whenever you change a bag.
  1. If you have a forced air heating system, have the air ducts cleaned and sealed internally, especially if it’s been four years or longer since they were last tended to. The more gunk inside your ducts, the worse for anyone suffering from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory ailments.
  1. Purchase better filters for your air handler and furnace. Many of us have spun glass filters that cost about $1.  While these protect the blower motor, they do virtually nothing to improve indoor air quality.  Upgrade to a pleated filter that captures smaller particles, thus trapping more airborne pollutants.     
  1. Load up on indoor plants. Certain types of indoor plants are highly effective at trapping and removing air pollutants from your living environment.  Some of the most effective plant varieties Spider, Dracaena, Peace Lily, and Boston Fern.

For a broader-based solution, contact Messmer Mechanical today to speak with one of our indoor air quality specialists.  We have several available solutions not just to improve your indoor air quality, but help keep it that way.

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