“How do I Know if My Water is Contaminated?

Given the increased awareness of environmental and chemical pollution, how can you be certain that your family’s drinking water is safe? And how do you know if you should invest in a kitchen or whole house water filtration system?

Here are a few suggestions to help guide your decision.

How safe is tap water?

The U.S. has some of the safest drinking water in the world. Public water supplies are regularly tested for quality and monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency. However, testing violations can and do occur, and contaminants can sometimes appear in our drinking water at higher than acceptable levels. Even so, more than 90% of the water supply in the U.S. is safe to drink straight from the tap.

Who should have their water tested?

If your water comes from a well, you should have your water tested for bacteria, nitrates, radon and other contaminants once a year. Some impurities are naturally occurring in the soil and bedrock while others make their way into your drinking water through cracked pipes, snow run off, and rain.

If you’re connected to a public water supply system but have an older home with lead pipes, it’s also a good idea to have your water tested periodically. Even the copper pipes used in newer construction can be soldered with lead or brass fittings which, in turn, can leach lead into your water. Anyone who’s pregnant, has young children or a compromised immune system should also have their water tested for lead contamination.

You have contaminated water, now what?

If your water has been tested and found to contain impurities, there are several ways to remedy the problem depending on the source or cause of the contamination. For example, if old pipes are to blame, you might consider having them replaced. If bacteria are present in your well water, the well will need to be disinfected.

At Messmer Mechanical, we are home water quality professionals.  As such, we can take a sample of your water and have it tested in a professional lab.  Once we have the results, we’ll review them with you and give you our best recommendation to ensure you have kind of quality water supply we know you’re counting on.  For more information or to schedule a time for us to obtain a water sample from your home, contact Messmer Mechanical today.


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