Help! Why is My Toilet Rocking?

You can rock out, rock on, and Toilet Rocking  roll. But your toilet shouldn’t – rock, that is. Yet it’s a problem that all homeowners are likely to experience at one point or another. There are several potential causes for a rocking toilet – some easy to troubleshoot while others may require the help of a professional. Yet regardless of the cause, a rocking toilet needs to be dealt with quickly to prevent costly damage.

Here are some of the most common causes of a rocking toilet:

Loose Flange Bolts

Flange bolts hold the toilet down at an even level with the bathroom floor. They are typically covered by plastic caps that match the color of the toilet. Over time, the bolts can become loose and cause the toilet to rock or wobble. Tightening the bolts should resolve the issue.

Damaged Flange

Over time, the flange itself can deteriorate causing the toilet to rock. You may also notice leaking around the toilet and an unpleasant odor. Left in disrepair, the floor and subfloor can become damaged. Most toilet flanges are made of copper, steel, or PVC plus a plastic or metal ring that connects the toilet to the floor, then sealed with a wax ring. To check the flange, you’ll have to drain the toilet bowl and tank of water and remove the toilet.

Incorrectly Installed Flange

A poorly installed flange is a little more difficult to spot. Installed correctly, it should be perfectly flush with the floor. Even the slightest variation can result in a rocking toilet. If your toilet was installed years ago and the rocking is a recent phenomenon, installation is likely not to blame. However, if you’ve recently remodeled your bathroom and are now the proud owner of a rocking toilet, the flange may need to be adjusted to line up correctly with the floor.

Uneven Flooring

An uneven floor can also cause a toilet to rock. This can be due to poor install or previous leaks that have caused floor tiles to crack or shift or the subfloor materials to deteriorate.

Whatever the cause, a rocking toilet should never be ignored. For a solution you can depend on, contact Messmer Mechanical. We’ll get to the bottom of the problem quickly, efficiently, and to your complete satisfaction.

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