Furnace Odors that Require Attention

It’s that time of year again. Time for hearty soups, fleece blankets, and cozy sweatshirts. It’s also time to start up your home heating system and make your home a warm and inviting retreat from the cold outside.

But if you notice an unusual odor as your furnace kicks into high gear for the first time, it could be an indication that something is not quite right. While some very faint odors are common when a furnace cycles on for the first time after hibernating all summer, others could suggest a specific problem or two.

Common Furnace Odors

1. If you detect a dusty or smoky odor, start by making sure all vents and . registers are open. For proper air circulation, at least 80% of your home’s registers should remain open. If opening the vents doesn’t dispel the odor, maybe it’s just your furnace burning off dust that has accumulated on its components over the warm weather months. The dusty smell is just as likely coming from your air ducts, an environment where dust loves to gather. We recommend a thorough duct cleaning every 3-4 years.

2. An electrical burning smell usually means system components or wires are damaged and causing the furnace to overheat. Once you detect that odor, shut off the furnace and contact Messmer Mechanical before any real damage can occur.

 3. A musty, moldy scent is most often a sign of mold growth in your vents or on system components, typically due to moisture build-up. That’s the perfect time to have preventive maintenance performed on your system so that, among other things, mold – if there is any – can be located and removed.

4. The most dangerous smell – a rotten egg or sulfur odor – requires immediate action as it could indicate a furnace gas leak. Don’t wait to find out. Instead, evacuate your home immediately and then call 911 from a safe location.

Your best move, always, is to have your heating system cleaned and inspected at the start of the heating season, strange odors or not.  In fact, annual preventive maintenance is a great way to keep such odors far, far away. So, if it’s been a year or longer since your furnace or boiler was last thoroughly inspected, contact Messmer Mechanical today.

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