Best Plants for a Good Night’s Sleep

The mere presence of Best Plants  and flowers can make a home feel brighter and more inviting. But in your bedroom, certain plants can actually help you sleep better by purifying the air.

Read on to find out which houseplants not only look great but also reduce carbon monoxide, dust levels, and other pollutants, and see if a little greenery can help you get a more restful night’s sleep. But remember, certain plants are toxic to pets, so check with your vet first.

Lavender: Inhaling lavender’s soothing scent can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate and promote a good night’s sleep. Place a pot or bouquet of lavender on your bedside table and let it’s sweet aroma lull you to sleep.

Peace Lily:Loved for its delicate beauty, the peace lily has been shown to reduce the microbe count in a home’s air, which in turn can relieve allergy symptoms.

Aloe Vera:Aloe vera has long been known for its ability to heal burns and rashes, but did you know it can promote better air quality, too? Aloe vera emits oxygen at night instead of during the day, giving the air healthy a boost that can benefit sleep.

English Ivy:English ivy may seem like a strange choice for the bedroom, but it has been shown to drastically reduce airborne mold in a room in just hours, which is great news for allergy sufferers.

Gerbera Daisies: Gerbera daisies emit oxygen at night and absorb toxins and carbon dioxide from the air. These colorful blooms are often recommended for people who suffer from sleep apnea and allergies.

Rosemary: The strong, heady aroma of rosemary is known to reduce anxiety and stress, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Snake Plant: The air-cleaning properties of the snake plant are quite impressive. According to NASA’s 1989 Clean Air Study, snake plant can help remove formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air, which should help you breathe a little easier day and night.

Spider Plant: Like the snake plant, the spider plant also improves indoor air quality by removing formaldehyde, cigarette smoke, ammonia, and benzene, among other pollutants, from the air.

Gardenia: One study found that gardenia’s intoxicating aroma had the same anxiety-reducing effects as some barbiturates, making it a great bedroom addition for those who need a mood booster or have trouble sleeping.

Golden Pothos: As the leaves cascade over its growing container, golden pothos helps remove pollutants such as benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the air. As a bonus, it also increases humidity—great for sleeping spaces with dry air.

Rubber Plant: This lush, green plant is known to be an excellent air purifier, removing harmful toxins from and indoor environment. Additionally, it emits oxygen during the nighttime, which can enhance oxygen levels in the room and create a more restful atmosphere.

Messmer Mechanical can also make your home a healthier and more comfortable environment. An expertly installed whole-house air filtration system can remove 99.98% of airborne allergens plus dust, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mildew, fungus, and so much more. Contact us today for an air quality analysis and air filtration proposal.

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