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Ways to Keep Warm

Ways to Keep Warm

When winter rolls around, suddenly you’re looking for ways to keep extra warm, short of spiking the thermostat to new heights of energy expense.

And while there’s plenty of advice on and off the internet to consider, some of it is downright silly.  You know, like keeping your bathroom door open while you shower so the steam can escape and…well, you get the idea. And trust us, it’s an idea not worth considering.

But these are:

Give the sun a chance. If it’s a bright and sunny day, pull those drapes back and let the warmth of the sun fill your home. Come nightfall, close them back up to retain as much of that heat as possible.

Layer your bedding. Not feeling warm in your own bed? Add a lightweight, fluffy blanket over your top sheet, followed by a thicker blanket over your comforter to provide more effective insulating layers for your long winter’s nap.

Insulate your windows. If your windows are feeling drafty, seal them with an insulation kit. They’re easy to use and available at most hardware stores. More importantly, insulation kits are a cheap and effective way to keep drafts out and warm air in.

Seal cracks and make sure weather stripping is intact. Even new windows and doors may not prevent air leaks. Inspect all windows and exterior doors for cracks and gaps, and fill as needed. Check that all weather stripping is intact, and consider adding draft stoppers to exterior doors for an added layer of warmth.

Make reusable rice bag warmers. Not only is plain white rice an inexpensive addition to any meal, it also retains and radiates heat for up to one hour. First, sew two pieces of fleece or flannel together on three sides, fill the bag with dry white rice, and sew the fourth side shut. When you need a little extra warmth, heat the rice bag in the microwave for a minute or two – depending on size – and slip it between your sheets before you go to bed, or on your shoulders as you unwind for the night.

And now, back to your heating system.  Yes, there are ways to supplement the heat it provides, but there’s no substitute for a well-maintained furnace. So, if it’s been a year or longer since your last system inspection, contact Messmer Mechanical today. We can help keep it in great shape while trimming back your monthly energy costs.