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Pre-Vacation Plumbing Tips for Jasper & Dubois County Home Owners

Pre-Vacation Plumbing Tips for Jasper & Dubois County Home Owners

When you’re away on vacation, you don’t want to spoil the fun and relaxation by stressing ovr the things you didn’t do to secure your Jasper home.Pre-Vacation Plumbing Tips for Jasper & Dubois County Home Owners

That’s why you check and re-check the coffee pot and toaster before heading off to the airport.  Keeping a couple of lights on.  Having a neighbor  keep an eye on things, water your plants:  and the list goes on and on

But how much attention do you pay to your plumbing?  Because of all the things that CAN go wrong while you’re away, plumbing messes and disasters are usually at or near the top of the list.

Here’s a checklist to ensure the safety of your plumbing and your home the next time you leave for vacation:

  1. Shut off the main water valve. Locate your main water valve (typically found outside your home or in the garage) and turn it off. This important step will prevent flooding and water damage in your home should a problem occur, such as a burst or cracked pipe.
  2. Shut off the individual water valves. Locate the valves throughout your home and turn those off, too. They can typically be found behind each toilet, behind the washing machine, refrigerator, and under each sink in your home. This step is especially important if you’re unable to turn off your main water supply because, for example, you have an automatic sprinkler system you don’t want shut off.
  3. Look behind the refrigerator and washing machine. Before closing the supply valve for each of these major appliances, check the supply lines while they’re pulled away from the wall. Look for rust spots, cracked tubing, or leaks.
  4. Examine the water heater. Check for leaks or puddling around the base.  Also be on the lookout for water stains or rust.  You’ll also want to check out the tank itself for rust, and listen for any strange banging, clanking, or rumbling sounds. These are all signs that your heater needs the immediate attention of a plumber.
  5. Inspect outside your home for leaks. Take a walk around the outside of your house and check for leaking outdoor spigots. You’ll also want to look for soggy spots in your yard when it hasn’t rained in the last few days as this could indicate a leaking sewer line.
  6. Have someone stop by while you’re gone.  If you have someone on guard anyway, give them a key and ask them to do a “walk through” once a day, especially looking out for signs of water leaks in your bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room.  It’s also smart to leave that person with your plumber’s phone number:  just in case.

Here’s another surefire way to travel with greater peace of mind:  contact Messmer Mechanical today for a whole-home plumbing inspection.  It’s something you should have done once a year anyway for the sake of your equipment, home, and your family’s safety.  Contact us to schedule service:  we’re always glad to help.

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