When Should I Replace My Sump Pump?

Funny as this may sound, your sump pump performs the exact opposite function of most other plumbing. While most fixtures and systems bring water into your home or where, inside or out, you need it, sump pumps are designed to expunge water out of your basement. Reverse plumbing? That’s one way to think of it.

Sump pumps also differ from most other home plumbing items in that they are seldomly used over the course of a year – at least, we hope so for your sake. As such, the lack of consistent use makes it easy to ignore – until, that is, the next time you need it.

When that time comes, you want to be sure it’s ready to get to work and keep working until every last drop of water has been removed from your basement. Still, sump pumps – like all other plumbing – are mechanical objects, all of which eventually fail.

How would you know if it was time to replace yours? Here are three good indicators.

  • Age. The average lifespan of a sump pump is 10 years. If yours is at least that old, the prudent option is to have it professionally inspected to determine its fitness for even one more basement flooding episode. If the prognosis is “not sure,” it’s time to replace it.
  • “Listen to the music.” Sump pumps have their own distinct humming/operating sound. Get used to the sound of yours so you can recognize normal from abnormal behavior. When you hear the latter, it’s time to have your unit professionally inspected.
  • Keep your eye on the water. If water keeps inching towards the top of the sump pit from one rainstorm to another, it’s fair to conclude that wear and tear are starting to manifest themselves.
  • Shuts down during operation. And there you have the ultimate signal to replace it. Sure, a sump pump will disengage should you lose power – all main pumps do. But if yours calls it quits for any other reason, it’s fitness for future activity must be called into question.

What good is a sump pump that can’t remove water from your basement? None at all. So, if it’s been a year or longer since you last had yours inspected, contact Messmer Mechanical today for a thorough sump inspection. If we find anything wrong with it, we’ll give you an on-the-spot quote to fix or replace it – assuming it can be fixed. Either way, rest assured you’ll have a hard-working pump ready to go the next time it’s pressed into action.

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