Why Is a Water Heater Expansion Tank Important?

Let’s go back to elementary school for a moment. What does water do when it is heated? Correct – it expands! This is called thermal expansion. Now think about your tank-style water heater. It can hold only so many gallons of water as it heats up, so all that extra water has to go somewhere.…

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How to Get Your Water Heater Summer-Ready

With the arrival of warmer weather we find ourselves spending more time outdoors. From backyard barbeques to afternoons spent by the pool or at the lake, this extra time in the sun means more frequent showers and baths, and more laundry. And that can put a strain on your plumbing system, especially your water heater.…

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The Many Advantages of Heat Pump Water Heaters

If you’re like most homeowners, you rarely think about your heat pump water heater or its vital contribution to the convenience of day-to-day life. Likewise, we rarely think about hot water’s surprisingly high price tag— an estimated $400 to $600 per year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA). The reason for this high…

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What’s the Difference Between a Boiler and Water Heater?

Boilers and water heaters are sometimes referred to interchangeably, but there are notable differences between these two home comfort systems. While steam or hot water boilers can be used to heat water, they’re more commonly used to heat indoor air. On the other hand, tank-style and tankless water heaters are exclusively designed to heat water…

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What Is an Anode Rod and What Does it Do?

Your water heater works hard day and night to provide you with the hot water you need in an instant. In fact, because it never gets a season off, some would argue that it’s the hardest working home comfort system there is. Whether you agree or not, you know that there’s nothing like stepping into…

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When Should I Replace My Water Heater?

One of the questions we are frequently asked is “When is the best time to replace my Water Heater ?”.  And the simple answer is “It depends”. You see, try as we might, we can’t predict the exact day your water heater may fail. But we can help you make an education decision based on…

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Reasons to Choose a Tankless Water Heater

Ever thought of trading in your storage tankless water heater for a tankless model? According to many of our customers, once you make that change, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. In case the name or the concept are new to you, here’s how a tankless system is different than a storage tank…

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Help – My Water Heater Isn’t Working!

Picture it: You’ve just ended a long, grueling day. And all you want is to relax and unwind in a hot shower or bath. You turn on the water to let it heat up only to learn that after several seconds, it’s still ice-cold. What gives? There are several reasons your water heater may fail…

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Benefits of a Water Heater Recirculating Pump

Depending on the age and condition of your water heater, you could practically write a short story on the time it takes your water to heat up. No one enjoys that wait, it’s just that some people are more patient than others. So, what’s it going to take to get you hot water “on demand?”…

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6 Good Reasons to Choose a Tankless Water Heater

By now you’re no doubt familiar with tankless water heaters. Once a mystery, now they’re a growing factor when homeowners decide what to choose for their next system. If you’re weighing your options now but haven’t settled on a landing spot, then here’s what a tankless unit can do for you. 1. Tank style water…

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