5 Natural Cures for Insomnia

In a perfect world, your daily life is all the preparation you need for a good night’s sleep.  You work hard, play hard, watch a little TV, spend time with the kids, pay the bills, clear the sink of dishes – who wouldn’t be tired after all that? Well, how about someone with insomnia?  Maybe…

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Creative Uses for Ordinary Household Items

Household maintenance is necessary for every homeowner, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work more efficiently and save some time along the way.  In fact, you can do precisely that with assistance coming from some pretty unlikely sources. Let’s have a look: Chalk Anywhere in the house you have excess moisture – such as musty…

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How to Prevent Home Damage This Winter

Home insulation installation

The cold winter months can turn simple, everyday tasks into an up-hill battle. Freezing temps, snow squalls, icy roads – and that’s just your morning commute! But the snow, ice, and blistery winds aren’t just hard on us – they can do a number on your home, too. And yet with a little time, planning,…

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How to Prepare Your Home for Overnight Guests

People who entertain a lot tend to do so throughout the year. They really don’t need much of an occasion as gatherings and overnight visits tend to be their own reward. But the whole entertainment thing tends to take on a different spin leading up to and during the holidays.  It’s a time of year…

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How to Prevent Frostbite

Keeping you and your family warm isn’t so difficult indoors, but when it’s time to go outdoors this winter for any length of time, extra care should be taken to help prevent frostbite. Feeling cold is the earliest stage, but then the affected area can heat up and later become too numb for you to…

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How to Plan Your Fall Garden

With summer winding down, now’s the time get working on a fall garden as there’s still plenty of time to grow vegetables and herbs.  Plus, it’s cheaper and less work than a summer gardens since most plants are on sale, you use less water, and it makes for less work come spring. Here’s what you…

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8 Home Painting Tips

It’s no secret that a fresh coat of paint can liven up a room and help give even the most dated furniture and accessories a second life. Plus, it can be a fun way to occupy at least some of your free time while placing your own personal stamp of creativity inside or outside your…

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House Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

At any given time, we encounter various “warning signs” that alert us to potential problems. One such sign is the beeping sound newer cars make when a car is on either side of you on a highway and senses it’s getting too close or you’re about to turn into their lane.  Or how about when…

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The Benefits of a Gas Clothes Dryer.

Clothes dryers pretty much just go about their business, diligently drying your clothes one load at a time. Or so they would like you to think. That’s because certain clothes dryers can consume great gobs of energy, sometimes as much energy as new energy efficient refrigerators, washers, and dishwashers combined.  . What’s a home owner…

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7 Ways to Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide.

You already know it’s great for cleaning and disinfecting scraped knees and cut fingers. Chances are you have a bottle or two in your medicine cabinet right now. But did you know that this little, inexpensive, and unassuming brown bottle is also a great addition to your natural cleaning arsenal? Here are 7 ways you…

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