Air Conditioning Systems with Variable Speed Operation in Jasper & Odon

Imagine having a car that only operates at two speeds: 60 miles or zero miles per hour.  Makes no sense at all, right?  Well, when you really think about it, neither does a single-speed air handler:  one of the components of your Jasper or Odon central air conditioning system.

The air handler is the indoor portion of your system, vs. the condensing unit which sits outdoors.  The air handler is responsible for running the fan that circulates air throughout your home. When your HVAC contains a single-speed handler, it means that your fan is either on or off.   By contrast, a variable speed air handler runs continuously at varying speeds based on the needs of your home. This mechanism will benefit you in many ways:Air Conditioning Systems with Variable Speed Operation

–  It’s highly energy efficient. One-speed air handlers waste  energy by turning on and off frequently. A variable speed unit saves energy by literally varying its speed to achieve the desired indoor temperature.

–  Increased comfort. Variable speed air handlers provide greater comfort by continually maintaining consistent temperatures.

–  Quiet operation. Because a variable speed air handler runs constantly, it’s actually much quieter and less noticeable than its single speed counterpart that causes a racket while running on high and turning on frequently.

–  Improved air quality. The air inside your home is only filtered when the fan in your HVAC is turned eon. A variable speed handler filters the air in your home all the time as a result of its continuous operation.

–  Improved performance.  Variable speed fan motors incur less wear and tear, the same way light bulbs last longer with less turning on and off.

To learn more about how a variable speed air conditioning system – or, replacement air handler – can improve your indoor comfort and help lower your monthly energy bills, contact Messmer Mechanical today.

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