Air Conditioning Preventative Maintenance in Dubois and Orange Counties, IN

Air Conditioning Preventative MaintenanceHere at Messmer Mechanical, we’re always challenging our team of home comfort professionals to further develop their professional and interpersonal skills.  Then again, that’s why each of them was offered a career opportunity in the first place.  From day one, we looked for and saw that trait that indicates personal drive and motivation.

That same trait carries over into their personal lives, as well.  Our people are engaged in all kinds of extra-curricular activities, everything from coaching youth sports teams, volunteering at their churches, leading a troop of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, and so much more.  Some have even fallen in love with hiking and camping where they shun all or most of their modern conveniences for a few days at a time to rediscover nature and spend quality time with family and friends.

Very admirable, but let’s stop there for just a moment and get to the point of our little story.  Let’s say we have just described you to a “T.”  Or, let’s say we haven’t, especially the part about it roughing it outdoors.  Either way, there are certain things you want and expect from your daily lives, and one of them is an air conditioning system that doesn’t break down.  That doesn’t force you to rough it in the confines of your own personal residence.  And sweat up a storm waiting for someone to come out and fix it assuming, that is, it CAN be repaired.

Nope, all the people we know – the management and staff of Messmer Mechanical included – love having central air and don’t want to be without it.  Not for even one single, solitary day.

So how can we help make that happen for you?  Aha, so glad you asked:  with our annual AC preventative maintenance service, of course!

Our multi-step process is designed to spot and correct small issues before they become repair problems, and to just plain prevent problems from occurring in the first place.  That’s why we perform these and other critical cleaning and inspection steps:

  • Clean or replace the filter as necessary
  • Tighten all electrical connections
  • Check the refrigerant level
  • Check the thermostat for proper operation
  • Check air flow through your ducts
  • Check for hot and cold spots
  • Determine just how efficiently your system is running
  • And much more

On average, your system is designed to last 12-15 years.  But with faithful annual service, you can gain even more from your investment in worry-free indoor comfort.

For a job done thoroughly and professionally, we invite you to contact Messmer Mechanical today.

Our Service Partners Get it All.

Enroll in our Service Partner Plan and enjoy added value plus proactive greater and protection for your home comfort equipment.

  • Annual inspections
  • Lower energy costs
  • Priority service
  • Fewer repairs
  • 10% off heating & cooling repairs identified during annual preventive maintenance
  • Annual Plan Renewal
  • And more

Become a Plan Member and take advantage of the savings today!

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