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How to Stop Water Leaks and Prevent Damage

How to Stop Water Leaks and Prevent Damage

It happens. Not only that, it could happen to anyone.

The “it”, in this case, is a water leak, the kind that could occur wherever water-carrying pipes are installed. Most leaks are minor, easy to detect and, with prompt attention, cause little to no damage.

Then there’s the other kind – the kind that take place when you’re not home. Perhaps you’re even on an extended vacation and have chosen not to shut off your main water line valve.  After all, how can your neighbor come over and water the plants in your absence?

But here’s where it can get ugly. You go away, the main water valve is left open, and a leak occurs – perhaps from your water heater, an overhead pipe in your basement, maybe even the connection from your kitchen sink to the fridge. That can add up to a lot of spilled water, a huge mess, plus potential mold build-up and home structural damage.

Okay, enough with the ugly part of this story. Let’s get down to a great solution.

Benefits of an Automatic Water Shut-Off Valve

As the name reveals, the job of an automatic shut–off valve is to shut your entire home’s water supply – not just because it just feels like it but prevent a water leaks from causing damage. These valves automatically do the job as soon as a water leak is detected. And, by adding line-of-sight sensors through your home, you won’t need to worry about major water leakage and resulting damage – period.

At Messmer Mechanical, we give you plenty of options:

  • Install a valve that protects one area of your home
  • Install a network of sensors to protect the sensitive areas
  • Or install a whole-house system

Usually, a plumbing company like Messmer Mechanical is all about making water flow. But in the case of water leakage, we’re all about making it stop. Contact us today for a free water shut-off valve sensing valve, including line-of-sight sensors.

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