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How to Ensure a Successful Bathroom Remodel

How to Ensure a Successful Bathroom Remodel

Has the time come for you to splurge on an all-new bathroom, gutting the existing space and all?

If so, congratulations. It’s an exciting time and one to be relished for everything it’s worth. But if you like relish more than the taste of regret, take our advice and proceed enthusiastically, of course, but with a healthy dose of caution sprinkled all over the process.

Budget, Budget, Budget

Isn’t nice to know that for once, this isn’t all about location? The location has selected itself: it’s your bathroom! Which means the next most important decision facing you is how much money you’re willing to allot to the entire project, fixtures, painting, materials, and all. Take control now, before your bathroom remodeling budget develops a life of its own, and one you might not be able to keep in line.

Ensure a Successful Bathroom RemodelIs There a New House in Your Future?

If one of the reasons – or even the primary reason – you’re planning to remodel is to up the resale value of your house – then you need to be careful on two fronts. First, don’t get too exotic or you the new bathroom could be a hindrance vs. a help come resale time. Next, and while it’s true you can expect to recoup around 75% of the cost of a bathroom remodel, that’s true only up to a point. As in, would you spend $100,000 on a bathroom remodel for a home with a total value of $300,000? Not if you expect to recoup 75% of the expense!

Shop Around, and Then Shop Around Some More

Between home centers, kitchen and bath remodeling stores, the internet, and plumbing showrooms, you have a world of options to look at before you even begin to settle in a look and style for your updated bathroom. See what’s out there, especially when it comes to new-fangled bath and shower functionality, like steam showers, multiple-nozzle shower stalls, walk-in tubs, under-floor radiant heating, and so much more.

Planning to Hire a Builder?

If so, then you’ll save time, money, and aggravation by choosing the right builder for you early on the process. For them, bathroom remodels aren’t a once in twenty year event – they do them year-round and at all different budget levels. In fact, that’s a great place to start the conversation: “What can I get for $20,000? What if we could add another $10,000 to the budget?” And so on. The last thing you want to think once the project is completed is: “Too bad we didn’t plan this out a little better?”

Think Waterproofing!

A bathroom is a lot of things, but ultimately, it’s all about water. And water, unless properly harnessed, can do more damage than good to your home. That’s why it’s so important to hire the right plumbing company as part of your bathroom remodeling team.

At Messmer Mechanical, we have all the experience, product knowledge, and installation acumen to handle every plumbing aspect of your project. And that includes underlaying the kind of waterproof materials that will prevent sink, tub, and toilet water from going places it shouldn’t. What’s more, we’d be happy to inspect your current bathroom so we can make affordable recommendations before the renovation gets underway. Messmer Mechanical: your partner in more comfortable living.

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