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Back to School Health Tips for Parents in Huntingburg & Huntington

Back to School Health Tips for Parents in Huntingburg & Huntington

Smiling sport child boy showing hand biceps muscles strengthSchool is back in session. And that means new friends, new adventures, and loads of fun for your little learners.  And yet, as the countless stories, homework assignments, and permission slips begin to trickle home from school, so will the sniffles, sore throats, and fevers.

Unfortunately, there are no sure fire ways to prevent your kids from getting sick during the school year. But there are a few healthy habits that can help them keep germs and illness at bay to help keep them at their healthy best all year long

  • Eat a balanced diet. Opt for nutrient dense whole food instead of highly processed items that are often packed with artificial colors and flavors along with excessive amounts of sugar and salt.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Kids who miss out on the amount and quality of sleep they need can feel run down and become more susceptible to illness.
  • Exercise. Give your kids plenty of time to exert some energy, whether through an after-school sport, a dance party in your living room, or just a jog around the block.
  • Wash hands frequently. Most school nurses would agree that the number one way to stop the spread of germs among students is through proper hand washing. Just good old soap, warm water, and scrubbing will do the trick.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes. Teach your younger kids to cough and sneeze into the crook of their arm if they don’t have a tissue handy.
  • Keep hands away from face. Your children’s hands touch countless germ-covered surfaces a day. Encourage your kids to keep their hands away from their eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Don’t share. Sharing is caring, but not when it comes drink bottles and bites of food.
  • Call in sick. Review your school’s guidelines long before the first sniffle, so you know when you should and shouldn’t send your sickly child to school.

If recent history in your home suggests, however, that for all the health precautions you take your kids and other family members are getting sick and trading colds more often than you like, then it might be time to test of the quality of your home’s indoor air.  At Messmer Mechanical, we are indoor air quality specialists with a number of practical solutions to help clean the air, including whole-house air filters, whole-house humidity control systems, duct sealing, and others.  For more information and a free quote, contact Messmer Mechanical today.

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