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“Is it Time to Replace My Central AC System?”

“Is it Time to Replace My Central AC System?”

Is it Time to Replace My Central AC SystemIt’s tough to decide when to replace your central AC system, especially if it’s still working okay.  But here’s the thing:  what if it were to stop working altogether in the dead of summer.  Well, not only would you be inclined to replace it right away, but in the middle of summer, you’re going to pay a premium since that’s when local HVAC companies are at their busiest.

That’s why, in the grand scheme of things, it makes much more sense to proactively replace your AC (or heating) system before it completely calls it quits. In that scenario, you’re in the driver’s seat and you don’t need to make a hasty decision.

So what would induce you to even start looking for a new AC system?  Any one or a combination of the following factors gives you all the reason you need:

  • Your current system is at least ten years old which means that it’s running at about 60% of its energy efficiency at best. Upgrade now, and the money you save on electricity with your new system will completely cover your investment, and then some.
  • Your system needs frequent repairs. Sooner or later, it doesn’t make sense to fix it even one more time.
  • Your system runs on Freon and occasionally needs a refill. Well, as of 2020, Freon will no longer be available.  As it is, any system you buy today comes with Freon’s eco-friendlier replacement, Puron.  In the meantime, and as Freon is gradually being phased out, the cost is climbing ever higher.
  • High indoor humidity is often a byproduct of an aging central air system. You can solve that problem with a whole-house dehumidifier, but eventually you’re going to need a new AC system anyway and then be stuck with a dehumidifier you no longer need.

Of course, even if your system is showing one or of these symptoms, that still doesn’t mean it needs to be replaced.  Perhaps after a simple repair or cleaning it still has a couple more years to give you.  Either way, wouldn’t you like to know?  If so, contact Messmer Mechanical today to request service, especially if it’s been a year or more since your system was last professionally cleaned and inspected.  Once that job is done, we’ll give you our best advice:  keep it because it’s fine, or think about replacing it sooner than later because it looks like it won’t be fine for long.

Messmer Mechanical:  your experienced partner in year-round indoor comfort.