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Do I Have Iron in My Drinking Water?

Do I Have Iron in My Drinking Water?

Water Filtration News for Home Owners in Jasper & Dubois County

Iron is essential to our health and well-being as an iron deficiency can cause extreme fatigue, headaches, irritability, shortness of breath, and dizziness, among other symptoms. Luckily, iron occurs naturally in our drinking water, whether that water is sourced from a well or a public water system.Iron in My Drinking Water

The bad news is that water with high iron content can be a real nuisance. You see, high levels of iron can cause stains on clothing, dishes, household fixtures while also clogging and corroding pipes and fittings. In can also result in a metallic taste and foul odor, and can change the taste of food prepared with water.

So what’s a water-loving homeowner to do?

The best course of action is to have your water tested. A water quality test will check for impurities and high mineral content that could be affecting your drinking water and compromising your plumbing and water-using appliances. And if high levels of iron are present, the type of iron will be identified so that a proper treatment plan can be put together.

If ferrous iron is found, also called clear-water iron, it can typically be removed with the installation of a whole-house water softener. This type of water runs clear from the tap, but turns rust-colored when left standing for a day or two.

Water that is yellow or reddish coming out of the tap contains ferric iron, or red-water iron. It is iron that has begun to rust due to the presence of oxygen or chlorine. In most cases, a filter can remove the oxidized iron particles from the water.

A more serious – but less common – problem is iron bacteria that can be found in well water.  It also can be introduced during construction of a water/plumbing system. Iron bacteria feed on iron found in water, pipes, and fittings and can seriously damage your home’s plumbing system. Iron bacteria require specific treatment, as you must first kill the bacteria, then filter out the water.

At Messmer Mechanical, we are water filtration specialists who can come up with the right solution for any water quality issue.  Contact us today to see how we can upgrade the quality of your household water, city or well.

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