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8 Ways to Conserve Water

8 Ways to Conserve Water

You think you’re doing it now, and you probably are. Conserving water, that is.

Then a news feature or documentary catches your eye to remind you how scarce the supply is in third world countries. Especially fresh, clean water – the kind you can drink without fear of illness.

You see it, read about it, hear about it, and you want to help. Good move. And the best way to contribute is by conserving as much water at home as possible. Here are 7 simple but effective ways.

8 Ways to Conserve Water

1 – Water by hand. Consider hand-watering your garden with a sprinkler can or hose vs. using a sprinkler and leaving it on indefinitely. Doing so can cut water consumption by a third or more.

2 – Turn off the faucet while shaving or brushing your teeth.

3 – Take shorter showers. That doesn’t mean giving up completely on longer, more luxurious showers, but do they all need to be that way?

4 – Make better use of shower water by placing a bucket in your tub or shower stall to catch the water otherwise wasted while you wait for it to heat up. That water has numerous practical uses, like mopping your floor, watering plants, filling a kitchen basin to scrub down your counters and small appliances, and so on.

5 – Don’t wait to fix a leaky faucet – do it now! Why?  Because even a slow leak can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day. A leaking toilet, by the way, can waste not 20, but 200 gallons per day.

6 – Replace that old water-guzzling toilet with a new dual-flush model. A new dual-flush toilet, professionally installed by Messmer Mechanicals, consumes only about 1.1 gallons for a half flush, and 1.3 gallons for a full flush.  By comparison, older toilets soak up 3-5 gallons per flush.

7 – Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Water comes out of the average faucet at 5 gallons per minute. Don’t let all that water go down the drain while you brush! Turn off the faucet after you wet your brush and leave it off until it’s time to rinse.

8 – Choose efficient fixtures. Aerating your faucets, choosing efficient shower heads, and opting for a Water Sense rated dishwasher and washing machine can add up to big water savings.

To help you cut down on water consumption even more, contact Messmer Mechanical today for all the plumbing help you need.

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